WP7 – Dissemination, Impact and Exploitation

Lead beneficiary: University of Minho (UM)


    • The main objective of this work-package is the dissemination of the results obtained to the outside world, to assure proper exploitation and impact of the achievements and the continuation for the developments after the project. These aims are aggregated into the following 5 groups:
      • General Dissemination: Which will resort to a website comprising public and restricted areas, that aim the dissemination of the results to the society and to provide efficient communications tools within the project team.
      • Code/Test case repository: A specific tool that will integrate the website that in addition to host and make the relevant codes publicly available, will comprise the preparation of related user and developer guides and tutorials.
      • Technical/Scientific dissemination: This task integrates all the dissemination activities related to presentation in conferences, workshops, and publication of papers and technical reports.
      • Knowledge Transfer: This task is devoted to the organization of summer schools, seminars/workshops, exchange visits, that will promote the efficient transfer of the knowledge developed along with the project.
      • Exploitation and Intellectual Property: The main contribution of this task is the exploitation report that should reinforce the project impact after its end, the Intellectual Property Management Report, which will assure adequate handling of the intellectual rights of the members of the consortium, and technical reports prepared for the OpenFOAM Technical Committees, to further increase the impact of the developments after the project.