Become a Supporter
Are you considering taking on a supporter/stakeholder role in the project?
Supporters/stakeholders are not financial beneficiaries (“partners”) of the project but are actively involved by providing test-cases (e.g. a relevant application challenge from their daily production) that are used to guide and assess the project developments, where simulations will be conducted to assess the effect of the improved methods developed during the project. As a supporter/stakeholder, you will be invited to project meetings and given access to findings from the test cases you have contributed.
Here is some important information before becoming a supporter/stakeholder:
- Financial requirements: not a requirement, nevertheless OpenFOAM Governance and the Community benefit from donations to fund the Technical Committees targeted future developments.
- Level of support/information to be provided: letter of support and relevant application test cases.
- Cadence/frequency of meetings: 6-monthly consortium meetings to which the stakeholders are invited (optional attendance).
- Level of involvement: automatic inclusion into the OpenFOAM Governance, Technical Committees and Special Interest Group (SIG).
Let us know whether you are interested in finding out more and whether there are any questions that arise in the following form: